

Page history last edited by Helen 8 years, 5 months ago

(logo design courtesy of Jayme Jacobson)


EPAC has been a leading resource on electronic portfolios since October 2002.  Current EPAC co-facilitators include: Helen L. Chen (Stanford University) and John Ittelson (California State University Monterey Bay).  The EPAC listserv is free to join!


August 10, 2016 Update -- Following the thought-provoking 2016 annual AAEEBL conference in Boston, we've been inspired to update our EPAC wiki with some new resources starting with a revised list of ePortfolio-related tools and technologies.  Please check back in a week for an initial pass at this revised list.  Also, if you'd like to join the EPAC listserv and stay informed about upcoming events, conferences, publication opportunities, etc., please register at: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/epaccoplist


Please note that we are also updating our twitter account more frequently than this wiki. Please follow us at @epaccop.


About EPAC

Previously sponsored by the National Learning Infrastructure Initiative/Educause Learning Initiative and the American Association for Higher Education, the EPAC Community of Practice has been a leading resource on electronic portfolios since October 2002.  Current EPAC co-facilitators include: Helen L. Chen (Stanford University) and John Ittelson (California State University Monterey Bay).  Joining EPAC is currently free and all community members share the following benefits:


    • Virtual interactions through online chats & discussions, audio and video conferences discussing ePortfolio-related issues, case studies, pedagogical approaches, assessment techniques and best practices;

    • Networking and face-to-face opportunities with EPAC members at conferences and meetings;

    • Exchange of resources via the EPAC email listserv and wiki;

    • Tracking of international and national conferences, requests for proposals and funding opportunities;

    • Active exploration and evaluation of tools and practices to support ePortfolio-related activities, reflective thinking, and community-building. 


For more information or if you have any questions about EPAC, please contact John or Helen.




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