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Copyright Free Resources

Page history last edited by Helen 13 years, 8 months ago

The issue of copyright and fair use has become an important issue in the creation of ePortfolios and particularly when transitioning from an ePortfolio that might have been created for an individual course for academic purposes to an ePortfolio that is posted publicly and more widely shared.  The following are some resources related to issues related to copyright and fair use along with some websites that list where royalty free images and audio can be accessed.


We welcome your additions to this list!


I. Examples of policies regarding the use of copyrighted materials


Clemson University

Be careful about the use of copyrighted materials in your e-portfolios.  If you use copyrighted material owned by someone else in your e-portfolios (such as songs, photos, images, text etc.), determine if the use qualifies as a Fair Use before using the copyrighted material without first obtaining permission.  The outcome of the Fair Use evaluation will probably change if you initially use the e-portfolio for only an academic purpose while at Clemson University, but later use it for some other purpose after the e-portfolio is submitted for credit or after graduation.  Do not assume that because Fair Use applied when the e-portfolio was submitted for academic credit, that fair use will also apply for other uses.


City University of New York


What are copyright implications of material in an e-portfolio?

Students own the copyright to works that they have created. It may, however, be an infringement of copyright to upload the works of others into an e-portfolio. Students are responsible for the consequences of posting copyrighted materials that belong to others. United States copyright law grants copyright holders several exclusive rights, but also allows several exceptions, Fair Use being the best known. If material is copyrighted and the use is not a Fair Use , then the owner’s  permission should be requested.


University of Connecticut Libraries



Stanford University

Stanford Copyright: http://fairuse.stanford.edu/Copyright_and_Fair_Use_Overview/
Stanford Fair Use: http://fairuse.stanford.edu/Copyright_and_Fair_Use_Overview/chapter9/index.html


II. Resources for finding copyright free images and audio

Google search terms: copyright free resources


Wikimedia Commons



Wikipedia: Public Domain Image Resources



WikiPODia:Archives of images with few copyright restrictions



Butler University Libraries: Royalty-free Images and Sounds




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